History Killers
History Killers Podcast
Audiocast: Martin Luther King, Jr.: Jeffersonian

Audiocast: Martin Luther King, Jr.: Jeffersonian

Audio version of a History Killers essay.

This is an Audiocast version of a previously published History Killers article. If you would prefer to read the article instead, click the image below.

History Killers
Martin Luther King Jr.: Jeffersonian; Champion of Natural Law Philosophy
[Originally published at Pure Insights.] The King Memorial The Martin Luther King Memorial monument in Washington, D.C., which opened to the public in August of 2011, stands southwest of the National Mall and within the sightline of the Lincoln and Jefferson Memorials. While King has been the first African-American to be memorialized in statue form in th…
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[James M. Masnov is a writer, historian, and lecturer. He is the author of the forthcoming book, Rights Reign Supreme: An Intellectual History of Judicial Review and the Supreme Court. His first book, History Killers and Other Essays by an Intellectual Historian, is available here.]